Explore projects
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Dose response and statistical analysis (R markdown)
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Archived 1Updated
Archived 4Updated
uncloud / files_readmemd
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Show README.md & HEADER.md in the file view of NextCloud
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Archived 0Updated
Thomas LEBRETON / Polyhash
MIT LicenseGoogle #Code 2022 https://e202864e.univ-nantes.io/polyhash-2022/
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Creation of a mobile application for sharing video content that respects certain standards. Free non-profit application.
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Bataille Navale en Java | Swing | Serveur API Rest
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GLICID-PUBLIC / guix-mirror
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyArchived 1UpdatedArchived 1Updated -
Archived 0Updated
Automata to analyze characters chain.
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LS2N-drones / px4_msgs
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseFork from PX4/px4_msgs for LS2N
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LS2N-drones / px4_ros_com
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseFork from PX4/px4_ros_com for LS2N
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Archived 0Updated
redacteur-doc-technique / old-antora-ui-default-fork
Mozilla Public License 2.0An archetype project that produces a UI for documentation sites created using Antora.
You can preview this UI at https://antora.gitlab.io/antora-ui-default.
Archived 0Updated